Comprehensive Guide to Leather Repair and Restoration

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Comprehensive Guide to Leather Repair and Restoration

Postby KevinG » Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:52 pm

This comprehensive manual covers all aspects of furniture and automotive leather care, maintenance, repair and restoration. It’s not just an “how-to” document. It goes into the science behind these repair and restoration methodologies. The reader learns the underlying fundamentals as to why and how a particular task solves a problem as well as the properties of the chemistry behind the repair and restoration products used. It takes the mystery out of how and why these repair techniques work.

The Guide is structured into chapters, each with a specific focus. A topic is developed in easy-to-understand written language, often with specific step-by-step instruction about a particular task (like repairing a hole). Often these written instructions are augmented with a link-out to a “How-To” video on this same subject. The reader learns on a building block approach with each chapter providing a knowledge-base that is used to better understand subsequent chapters.

This has been a work in process for a few years. We're now releasing it. The list price is $195.

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Re: Comprehensive Guide to Leather Repair and Restoration

Postby jmurray2112 » Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:33 pm

This document is as exhaustive as you can get on this particular subject. Kevin spent this entire last summer revising and expanding, and this new edition is still evolving. Anyone who purchases the Guide will be eligible for all future editions, as well. I'm not big on selling, but I know how much time I spend talking with other techs via telephone, text or email about technical issues and challenges, and the truth is, most of the stuff we're talking about is covered in the Guide. It's available on the website ( ... fieldguide, it will be emailed to you)
Our long-term plan is to use this forum as a support network for the Guide, where questions can be asked and answered regarding the Guide content.

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